Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First Blog

Skateboarding is a very fun hobby. Most people consider it a sport but if you talk to any skater he/she will tell you it is more a lifestyle. Skateboarding has been around since the 60's but didn't become popular until the 70's. The most well known skater would deffinetly be Tony Hawk. He is extremely well known because he was the youngest kid to turn pro. I think the most well known should be Rodney Mullen though. Rodney created almost all the flip tricks and stuff. He invented the kickflip, heelflip, and a bunch of other tricks too. Along with him was a guy named "ollie" who created the Ollie.


Sabresfan21 said...

hey hows it going friend like the picture

Mr. Turton said...

There is a great old movie called "Gleaming the Cube" from the 80's. Tony Hawk did a little a cameo in it. Perhaps try to find a little video clip an embed it into this post?

Mr. Turton said...

turn on comment moderation dude

Mr. Turton said...

hey - how about a post about other rad sports on this blog - like some x game stuff - bmx ...?

NickR said...

hey, i think you should try to find some other well known skaters, or explain more about the ones you have because i only knew who tony hawk was.

Kate said...

Nick is right, i only knew about Tony Hawk and Chris Cole.

kaitlynn said...

cool blog very interesting